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Kimberley Wilson

I dabbled in yoga over the years, much like I did with various workouts and activities. However, it wasn’t until my friend became a certified yoga teacher that I truly committed to attending her classes regularly. Through consistent practice, I found myself falling deeply in love with yoga and the profound way it affected me both physically and mentally.

As someone who grapples with anxiety and understands the weight of negative thoughts and worries, I approach teaching with a strong emphasis on stress relief. My classes are designed to equip you with practical tools to challenge negative thought patterns. Alongside dynamic sequences that provide a bit of a sweat, I incorporate juicy twists and releasing folds to help rid the body of negative toxins, leaving you feeling energized, refreshed and revitalized. My practice isn’t about reaching the full expression of every pose, it’s about doing what feels right for my mind and body at that moment in time and carving out that hour just for me. This is what I strive to bring to my classes. I want everyone to feel welcome, no matter where they’re at on their yoga journey. I believe yoga can be enjoyed by anyone. Take an hour for yourself and just move, breathe, let go and have fun.

I look forward to seeing you on the mat!

Favourite things: My wonderful husband, being a Mummy to my 5 month old daughter, my crazy Black Lab, wine and cheese and my guilty pleasure of reality TV!

Favourite posture: Prasarita Padottanasana