I discovered yoga some 10 years ago while spending time in the UK-based Buddhist temple wanting to still the mind with meditation. I found sitting in a half lotus position somewhat painful due to my nonflexible body. I sourced yoga classes with the sole intention of becoming more flexible. Some 6 years later, I began to realise that yoga was so much more than just Asana/poses. That in fact it was one part of a whole life philosophy and I felt drawn from the inside out to learn more about this path of yoga. I have a love and deep rooted passion to want to share with others all that I have discovered on this path so much so that I enrolled with the lovely teacher trainer Debbie Avani and followed her teachings with the YA TTC 200hrs course in 2016. My love continues to flourish with the realisation of all the benefits that regular practice can bring to the individual on a day-to-day basis. With my lifelong background in sport I truly believe that coupled with proactivity, nutrition and meditation, yoga completes the fourth element to sustainable well-being.
Favourite things: Alongside my yoga Asana practice, I love to bury my head in books that allow me to delve deeper into this beautiful life philosophy of yoga which in turn enhances my knowledge and allows me a greater understanding of the science of Yoga. Music and the great outdoors are very close to me and have a home in my heart of things I love to explore. I am often found locally or further afield following live music. I incorporate music into my classes as well as my own practice.
Favourite posture: With my Asana practice the one posture that I love to shape is ‘Vrksana Tree Pose’. Its deep rooting encourages focus and in turn creates greater clarity.
OM Shanti